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Team Cole Blue (Yr R)

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  • Sports Day Success

    Published 24/06/24, by Louise Tranham

    Sports day was such a success

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  • Community Planting

    Published 24/06/24, by Rebecca Welvens
    Thanks to the families that joined us for our community planting. The plants look great in their new homes; makes sure to spot them next time you're passing Margate Station (maybe give them a little water too!). Keep an eye in the local p
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  • Sports Day Dates

    Published 18/06/24, by Louise Tranham
    See attached poster for Sports Day.
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  • What a beautiful day!

    Published 17/06/24, by Jessica Barnes
    What beautiful weather today, we had such a great time in the woodland today. This morning we enjoyed building dens and using peelers to make wands. This afternoon we played hide and seek and had a go at using the peelers too. We learnt the safety ru
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  • Doubles

    Published 17/06/24, by Louise Tranham

    Ask me about our doubling rhyme

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  • Hot Dog treats

    Published 10/06/24, by Louise Tranham
    Ask us about our hot dog treat that we had on Friday!
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  • Forest School has started

    Published 10/06/24, by Louise Tranham

    Our first forest school 

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  • Join us for planting in the community!

    Published 06/06/24, by Rebecca Welvens


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  • Love to Learn

    Published 05/06/24, by Rebecca Welvens
    Love to learn - People and Places Our ‘love to learn’ home learning this term will be ‘beach art’, to link in with our beach trip. You can choose to take this in any direction you wish. This could be a 3D model or
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  • Number Bond Games

    Published 04/06/24, by Rebecca Welvens

    Today we played a number bond game!

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  • Number Bonds to 5

    Published 03/06/24, by Rebecca Welvens

    Information about the Early Years Foundation Stage and how we assess.

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  • Weather Reminder

    Published 23/05/24, by Rebecca Welvens
    Children at RAPS go outside in all weathers. Please make sure your child is equipped each day for this. The Great British weather really makes this simple for us all....not!! Children will need a coat/rain jacket, jumper, sun hat and sun cream. Pleas
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