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Team Bullard (Yr 3)

Page 7

  • Muscles!

    Published 06/10/23, by Admin

    We have been learning about the muscles this week!

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  • Spellings

    Published 02/10/23, by Admin

    We ask that the children bring in their completed spelling sheets in on Friday morning at the latest.

    Children that do not bring in the sheet will spend part of their golden time completing it.

    If you have lost your sheet, please ask for another before Friday! :) 

    We have been talking this week about how when we add the suffixes -er and -est, we have to drop the y and add an i.

    Spellings for this week are as follows:







    (common exception words to practise)








    All the best,

    Mrs Kateley

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  • English: The Tunnel

    Published 27/09/23, by Admin

    In English, we have been inspired by our current text The Tunnel, a suspense narrative written by Anthony Browne. We have been writing our own section of the story, filling in what happens to the main character when he makes his way through a mysterious tunnel into a strange forest. 

    We will be publishing our stories this week and the children will be taking their pieces home with them. We can't wait for you to read their amazing suspense narratives!

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  • Kent Music Roadshow

    Published 26/09/23, by Admin

    On Monday RAPS welcomed musicians from Kent Music's musical roadshow, 'Bach to the Future'. The musicians showed the children instruments from each instrument family and demonstrated how each one is played. They even showed how instruments can be created using everyday objects such as a hosepipe and a funnel, straws or a bucket, pole and a piece of string! The band played a variety of familiar tunes including TV theme tunes, songs from the movies and some recognisable classical songs. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the instruments and how they use vibrations to create sound, as well as listening to and joining in with the songs. 

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  • Spellings

    Published 25/09/23, by Admin

    We ask that the children bring in their completed spelling sheets on Friday morning at the latest.

    If you have lost your sheet, please ask for another before Friday! :) 

    Spellings for this week are as follows:














    Hope you have had a wonderful weekend! 

    Mrs Kateley

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  • Breaktime Snacks

    Published 25/09/23, by Admin

    Please see below a message about breaktime snacks.

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  • Art Competition

    Published 24/09/23, by Admin

    Please see below the letter containing information about the art competition from Mrs Smith and Mr Brown!

    Term 1 Art Competition   ‘Autumn’ Photography competition 

    A big welcome back to you all. I am excited to get the term started with a brand-new competition based on the most colourful and vibrant season of all - Autumn.  

    The aim of this term’s competition is to take a series of images that represent the word 'Autumn'. I would then like the children to print 1 –10 photos and display them in a creative way. This can be on a board, a canvas or even something 3D such as a wooden log, for example. This competition is photography-based but the children can use other media to display their photographs such as painting on top of images, collaging images together or sticking leaves on top of their images. There will be a series of workshops in art club for the children to try out new techniques.  Photographs can be any size and as always, if children need help with materials or printing, they just need to ask. 

    Children can use the following ideas as inspiration: exploring nature, going outside and using the woods/ beaches, focusing on the changes in your surroundings and the weather, taking close-up images of things like ferns and leaves and acorns, or taking long distance images of trees in the park. 

    The following resources can be used: 

    • Cameras 

    • iPads  

    • Canvas/ boards 

    • Phones/ a grown-up's phone (with permission) 

    • Polaroid cameras 

    • Paint  

    • Collage 

    • Pastels 

    • Paper A2/A3 

    Workshops will be in the art room this term for the competition on Thursdays 12pm-1pm. 

    Work must be submitted by Tuesday 31st October (after half term) with your full name, team name and age. There will be prizes and house points for first, second and third prize winners. House points will also be awarded for each key stage winner.  

    I look forward to seeing the budding photographers we have in the school and how creatively the children display their work. If you have any questions, then please ask children to come and find us.  

    Good luck,  

    Mrs Smith and Mr Brown

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  • Cross Country!

    Published 21/09/23, by Admin

    Find below some information about Cross-country.

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  • Love to Learn

    Published 21/09/23, by Admin

    Please find attached your first love to learn for this term! A copy of this will be sent home in your book on Friday!

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  • Come Read with Me

    Published 17/09/23, by Admin

    Come read with me this term will be on Friday 29th September at 14.35.

    We hope to see you there!

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  • Week 3 Spellings

    Published 16/09/23, by Admin

    Week 3 Spellings

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  • Art to Start

    Published 11/09/23, by Admin

    We had a great time beginning our topic this term with our Art to Start!

    We explored Giuseppe Arcimboldo, who was born in 1527 in Italy, who painted amazing pieces using fruit and vegetables. He is well known today for painting portraits of people made out of different types of fruits, vegetables, meat and fish.​

    He would pick food that had a connection to whatever he was painting. For example, when creating a picture of autumn he used fruits and vegetables that grew in autumn. 

    The children had great fun exploring his art work and having a go at making animal portraits using fruit and vegetables!

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